Trull Forest Products, Inc.
Sawmill & Planer Mill
Save money by buying your timber direct from the mill at Trull Forest Products!
Buying direct from our sawmill cuts out the middle-man and saves you money on quality timber products for your building project.
We produce a wide variety of timber products including heavy timbers for the timber frame and log home industries to individuals just needing a few board feet.
Trull Forest Products Mill Services include:
- Vertical Band Sawmill - Our mill is setup to accommodate custom orders, yet large enough to produce them in a timely manner.
- Planer Moulder - Trull Forest Products facility features a Pinheiro 1000 Planer Moulder which has 5 heads, capable of surfacing timbers up to 12 inches in thickness and 20 inches in width.
- Custom Profiles - Trull Forest Products is equipped to create custom knives which can run virtually any profile through the planer moulder. Just some of the hundreds of profiles we can run are located on the right in the shaded box.
- Hewn Logs - Trull Forest Products now offers Hewn Logs for your building projects. We offer competitive pricing! Call us to learn more at (828) 369-2372.
So Skip the middleman and buy direct from Trull Forest Products, Inc. in Franklin, NC. We have over 30 years experience in the timber industry and still going strong.
We are committed to filling every order as quickly and completely as possible. Our log, tongue & groove, siding and other products are available in many different profiles. In fact, Trull Forest Products, Inc. has an impressive selection of case, base and crown knives, can grind one to match your exact profile.
No order is too large or too small for Trull Forest Products, Inc. We ship nationwide or drop by and discuss your milling needs.
Call us today and save on your next project by dealing direct with the mill! Call (828)369-2372 or email us. Trull Forest Products, Inc. looks forward to helping you get where you're going! We're always glad to give you a free quote or answer any questions you might have.

Trull Forest Products can accommodate just about any order you have from our sawmill. We feature a Vertical Band Sawmill, Pinheiro 1000 Planer Moulder capable of surfacing timbers up to 10" thick by 20" wide. We also offer Hewn Logs (pictured left).

Pictured Left: Our new Hewn Logs
Pictured Right: Our Vertical Band Sawmill in operation.